month : 04/2020 3 results

We can read what we want to read, Coronavirus doesn’t care

Column: The Balm of Poetry Part 2 - Ken Dryden on Covid-19 A celebrated Canadian sports figure and latter-day politician takes on a new foe without a stick or gloves, just team spirit and pragmatism.    

First Stripes revises bootcamp cliché with a Canadian accent

Movie Review: First Stripes Jean-François Caissy’s fly-on-the-wall documentary isn't about glorifying the military with a starry-eyed salute to symbols. It's about celebrating the humans who sacrifice a part of themselves for the national ideal, but more importantly, for each other.

Finding comfort in Bedroom’s soft breath of companionship

Column: The Balm of Poetry, Part One - “Bedroom" Rod Mickleburgh finds affirmation in the written word and shares some favourite selections to help us “soothe our worried souls in these perilous times.”