Chris Pratt 3 results
3.5 Score

LEGO Movie 2 misses magical click but still sticks

Movie Review: The LEGO Movie 2  - The Second Part The absurdist edge and creative intelligence that made the first LEGO movie a masterpiece is eclipsed by shallow self-awareness and plastic brick branding, but the Second Part still builds a world of enchantment by piecing together sibling rivalries with heart.

Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom Splices, Dices, Stalls

Movie Review: Jurassic World -- Fallen Kingdom The DNA of the franchise may remain the same, but the species of blockbuster spawned by Steven Spielberg continues to evolve as dinosaurs move from villain to man’s best friend in Jurassic World, a tarry-eyed pitstop before the next extinction.

Movie review: Jurassic World turns park dark

Director Colin Trevorrow tries to fill dinosaur-sized shoes with digital science and a bigger scope in his next-generation take on the $800-million Jurassic franchise