War Movies 5 results

Cherry pops preconceived notions of heroism with sharp prick of PTSD

Movie Review: Cherry Joe and Anthony Russo use their superhero experience to  bring Nico Walker's novel to the screen with the epic scale of an Avengers movie, only to empty every hidden pocket in the cargo pants of male identity.

Review: Midway torpedoes MAGA hat hate

Movie review: Midway Roland Emmerich shows uncharacteristic restraint in his ode to the Battle of Midway, an against-all-odds story of courage and bravery that truly made America “great."

What The Foxtrot?

Movie review: Foxtrot Samuel Maoz takes the rituals of death notification into desolate territory as he mines internal and external conflicts within the Israeli psyche in his absurdist drama Foxtrot

Movie review: Hyena Road lacks destination

Paul Gross's war movie attempts to tell the story of Canada's involvement in Afghanistan with a shotgun not a sniper's rifle

Movie review: Testament of Youth tells age-old truth

Alicia Vikander finds the fire-hardened spirit of noted pacifist Vera Brittain in a sentimental take on Testament of Youth, the bestselling classic about the endless tragedy of war