Movie Reviews 503 results

Jay Stone and Katherine Monk. Definitive reviews. Trusted critics.


Sam Elliott Holds On for The Hero

Movie Review: The Hero An aging cowboy actor looks for a final big role — and a chance to redeem his personal failures — in a drama that has many parallels with its memorable star

The Big Sick Proves a Salve to the Soul

Movie Review: The Big Sick Rom-com meets Romeo and Juliet in Kumail Nanjiani's truth-inspired story that follows our lovesick hero down hospital corridors to face life, death and family

The Beguiled Seduces with Mood

Movie Review: The Beguiled Sofia Coppola revisits a Civil War sex drama to undress gender differences as she casts Colin Farrell as a 'the corporal' in this elegant dissection of desire

Baby Driver Revs Millennial Muscle

Movie Review: Baby Driver Ansel Elgort takes the wheel for a generation as Baby, a brilliant getaway driver looking to recapture a bit of the past in Edgar Wright's seductive, three-ply retread

Paris Can Wait… Can Wait

Movie Review: Paris Can Wait A French roue takes his friend's wife on a flirtatious motor trip in this love letter to food, charming villages and other, wiser films about the same subject  

47 Meters Down Too Shallow

Movie review: 47 Meters Down Mandy Moore and Claire Holt play potential shark chum in another girl-versus-shark showdown that makes us care more about sharks than selfie-obsessed humans

The Bad Batch Takes its Pound of Flesh

Movie Review: The Bad Batch Ana Lily Amirpour's darkly comic dystopian nightmare uses cannibalism as effective social satire as we watch Suki Waterhouse do her best to remain whole in a world where redemption costs an arm and a leg

Maudie not maudlin as it shows us the sad in happy art

Movie Review: Maudie Sally Hawkins gives a remarkable performance as the elfin, crippled Nova Scotia artist Maud Lewis, who lived in a tiny shack and sold her paintings at the side of the road

The Lovers brushes its teeth with stuff of life

Movie Review: The Lovers In this bleak and tender view of relationships, a married couple carrying on affairs with other people find a renewed interest in one another

About Last Knight: New Transformers movie is loud, long, and leaks oil

Movie Review: Transformers - The Last Knight Michael Bay's fifth Transformers monstrosity features the ever-charming Mark Wahlberg kicking mechanical can down the curb once more in a messy collision of story, character and Saturday morning merchandizing